Alex GodleyWhat is Data Science?Data science is a term used to describe the process of acquiring, analysing and making predictions from large amounts of data.Feb 25, 2021Feb 25, 2021
Alex GodleyWhy I Love Python ProgrammingPython is a versatile programming language that can be used for a variety of applications. It is relatively easy to learn and is a great…Feb 25, 2021Feb 25, 2021
Alex Godley3 Common Cognitive Biases and How to Avoid ThemCognitive biases are errors in our thinking that are not necessarily grounded in logical or rational thought. These biases can ultimately…Feb 22, 2021Feb 22, 2021
Alex GodleyThree Reasons to Learn PythonPython is a general-purpose programming language that can adapted to many different applications. If you are starting out in programming…Feb 16, 2021Feb 16, 2021
Alex GodleyThe Happy Little QuokkaQuokkas are small marsupial animals found on Rottnest Island off the coast of Perth, Western Australia. They inhabit certain parts of the…Feb 16, 2021Feb 16, 2021
Alex Godley3 Hacks for a Better MemoryUnderstanding how we remember things can help us use our memory better. Cognitive psychology informs us that we temporarily hold…Feb 16, 2021Feb 16, 2021